Антагонисты 5-HT2A/2C от апатии
Отправлено 17 Июль 2017 - 12:30
Отправлено 17 Июль 2017 - 04:54
пресинаптические 5-НТ1А - агонист
постсинаптические 5-НТ1А (которые выпускают АКТГ, кортизол, пролактин и т.д.) - антагонист
видел информацию о антагонизме 5-НТ2А, 5-НТ2С. но не из исследований, хорошо бы найти нормальный источник.
+ влияние на другие антидепрессивные механизмы
похоже активировать нужно не все подряд 5-НТ1А, а только пресинаптические.
пример отзыв о берберине:
"I started taking this to help with insulin resistance and visceral fat. I also suffer from rather severe depression. After taking this for about two weeks, I started noticing an improvement in my depression. A drastic improvement, my husband noticed it, and so did my family and friends! It was gradual. Everyday it kept getting better, and better. I had been so deeply depressed, and blamed it on everyone and everything around me., and I could literally feel that lifting off of my shoulders. The negativity that weighed me down just started dissipating. I started researching it, and berberine does indeed possess antidepressant effects similar to MAO inhibitors without the scary side effects. Well, after taking berberine I realized that I was suffering from a chemical imbalance that was causing the depression, which was great news for me because at least it is treatable, and at least there is hope for me. I had tried various antidepressants throughout my life, all of which have a host of side effects - and nothing has helped me in the way that berberine did. At the same time I was using berberine I was also having terrible issues with constipation, and was not sure why. I persisted with the berberine until my doctor suggested that I eliminate one supplement at a time to identify the cause of the constipation. I went off the berberine for a few days, and my bowels movements returned. So did the depression. That came back with a vengeance. I want so badly to return to the berberine, but the constipation was so severe that I simply cannot. I am working with my doctor to find an antidepressant that has a similar effect to berberine. Unfortunately they all seem to have one side effect or another, which I hate. Some make you sleepy, some make you nervous - berberine did none of that. Anyway, if you are more prone to diarrhea, I am sure this is would be great for you! If you suffer from constipation, and slow digestion this will only make it worse."
Отправлено 19 Июль 2017 - 06:27
В основном поэтому и села на эсциталопрам.