Регистрация: 11 Июн 2007Offline Активность: Вчера, 17:20
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Написав листа Панас, І послав до "Зірки": "БудИ вчитЕся наш клас, ТількІ на пІтірки.
Ноя 21 2023 11:18
"How can he remember well his ignorance - which his growth requires - who has so often to use his knowledge?" (Thoreau)
Авг 20 2022 10:26
"Ungrateful, perjured, barbarous Don Alfonso, How dare you think your lady would go on so?"
Июл 28 2020 07:12
Let me confess that we two must be twain, Although our undivided loves are one: So shall those blots that do with me remain, Without thy help, by me be borne alone.
Май 29 2020 07:36
CopperKettle → Гилев
С днем рождения! Желаю (еще больше) здоровья, карьерных успехов и довольных пациентов! (0:
Сен 30 2009 08:31